
NEW students

1. Application

___ Schedule Family/Student Meeting

After your New Student/Family meeting:

You will be given a school information packet including an application form when you come and visit our school. The application form includes general family information, recommendation contacts, and academic and social information. The registration packet needs to be returned to the school.

Additionally, please provide the following documents for new students when you return the registration packet:
___ Copy of student applicant’s birth certificate
___ Copy of student applicant’s report card (most recent)

2. Review
Once all of the above Application checklist items are received, your application will be reviewed by the Admissions committee.

Emerald Christian Academy in administration of its admissions policies, education policies, scholarships and loan programs, does not discriminate based on race, color, national and ethnic origin and athletic and other school-administered programs.

 3. Notification
Emerald Christian Academy will notify you of the admissions decision once a review of your application packet is complete. You will receive an email with a link to begin the enrollment process.

4. Enrollment
Upon acceptance, you will be able to finish your enrollment process in two steps. First, a new family $150 enrollment fee needs to be paid. Once this fee is paid, you will receive a personalized email invitation to complete the family registration process through Teacher Ease, our school’s online database. This link will let you create a parent portal with student and family information for our records.

After the Online Enrollment packet is complete, you can start your FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment if you are interested in financial aid. The link for this site can be found under “Admissions” and “Tuition Rates and Assistance” on our home page. Tuition assistance is not guaranteed and there is a limited amount each year for all families applying for assistance. There is a $35 online fee that is charged by FACTS to process applications.

If you are not going to apply for financial aid, your Tuition Agreement will be crafted and sent to you for approval shortly after your enrollment is complete.

5. Tuition Agreement
Finalize your Tuition Agreement and financial aid opportunities with the Director of Family Services & Finance. See the “Tuition & Fees” tab under “Admissions” for more details.